Are You Ready To Finally Turn Your Hard Work...
...Into The Income You Deserve?
Follow Our Proven
You MUST HAVE to Build a Successful Digital Agency Today.
(This is the Training That Helped Tom Buford Get to Six-Figures.)
See Tom B.'s Testimonial Down the Page
Attention: This Special Offer Has Ended But You Can Still Join At The Current Pricing Below
The Difference Between Every Other
Membership Training Site And The Path to Six-Figures with Shark Alliance.
If you've been around the internet for very long, you know  there are lots of places to get trained in Local marketing.

It wasn't always that way, but today, all kinds of 'experts' have sprung up to offer their advice and...

accept your payments.

They may LOOK good and even sound believable, but I'll bet there's one thing they completely overlook...
They haven't a clue what
the 'PROFIT FIRST' Foundation is.
Sorry, but they've completely miss the biggest thing to hit  local marketing education since the smart phone!

So what is "Profit First Foundation"?

It's actually a couple of important concepts and an action plan that replaces the old style local training.
Let me explain...the way most local marketing training works; the student/member is sort of 'fed' a different marketing service to train on and learn well enough so they can go out and sell it.

For instance, they usually have tons of stuff about website design and construction dumped on them. They wade through volumes of videos and PDFS all intended to make the new student expert enough in websites so they can hit the streets and make sales.

It usually includes a lot of 'old style' hard core sales training to further equip the student with enough closes and tricks to batter the local prospect into submission.

Is it any wonder that most students fail with this approach? It seems like it could or should work, but it rarely does. AND, the student wastes a lot of time before he/she realizes it's not paying off.
and then, like clockwork, another offline service is introduced and the training on it starts all over again. Same approach, and the same poor results.

We knew this was happening in most 'old style' training and we were determined to change it we could offer better results.

And that brought about the The "Action First Plan"

And the "Client First Plan".

...all under the "Profit First" Foundation.
Here's how it works:
Instead of training for months like a college course, we operate on the...
In other words, you'll TEST what you've learned in the real world. What's the sense of learning with no immediate payoff? What if you're not even properly intaking the lesson? What if you're missing the most important part(s)? It can happen, even to the best student!

We are taking it to the next level with point blank assignments and step by step plans that lead you from a to z.

Our approach totally breaks the mold of conventional online learning. Instead of separating the "Learning Step" from the "Action Step" they're integrated with each other in a way not seen before!

After a short series of training sessions, you'll APPLY what you've learned in a real, authentic situation and then report back with feedback. This is the step that will change everything for you and makes other types of training irrelevant.

This step will be with light accountability and not pushy but designed to get you in the right habits.

Now, with feedback, you'll continue your training and then return to the field for the next action step...and then come back to training for reinforcement and then repeat the process until you've successfully completed each module. Thats why we say...
Yes, you read that long as you do each module, INCLUDING the Action Steps and report back, your success is assured. We have built success into the formula at every step. The reason we get so excited for you is because, to our knowledge, this has never been done before.

What would it be worth to you to have step-by-step guidance, support, and advice from your own Internet marketing mentor and a private mastermind group?
- Are you looking for more passive income and long-term financial freedom?

- Would you like more free time to travel or pursue your passions in life?

- Do you want to give your family a better standard of living and lifestyle?

- Do you want to escape the rat race or finally tell your boss to shove it?

- Is there a cause or message you can share to make the world a better place?

All of these benefits (and more) can be yours. They're all within your grasp...

IF you put aside doubt and take action.

You know us, and you know we stand by what we promise. Modesty aside, we have already built a successful local marketing machine and earn excellent incomes. If you don't join, OUR lifestyle will be unaffected...
But It's YOU Who Stands To Win OR Lose!
All we can do is lay out this opportunity. You have to seize  it or it will pass you by.

Now is the BEST time to act on this, while its fresh in your mind and your have all the information at your fingertips. The road to a new financial life is just a mouse click away. Join Us!
Path to Six-Figures with Shark Alliance
Over $9,000 of Content
You Get Instant Access to EVERYTHING Below

The Path To Six Figures Mentorship Curriculum

Level 1: Baby Shark - Get Indoctrinated To Your Path & Get Your Pricing Straight
Level 2: Nurse Shark - Set Up Your Agency With A Professional Look
Level 3: Sand Shark - Craft A Prospect List & Identify Your Target
Level 4: Reef Shark - Pick Your Services & Get Your FITD Ready
Level 5: Zebra Shark - Land Your First 3 Clients & Prospect Consistently
Level 6: Thresher Shark - Sharpen Your Skills & Start Pre-Qualifying
Level 7: Hammerhead Shark - Follow Up & Build Client Relationships
Level 8: Bull Shark - Outsource Your Work & Start To Scale
Level 9: Whale Shark - Start Local SEO & Optimize For Inbound Leads
Level 10: Tiger Shark - Improve At Selling & Generate Recurring Revenue
Level 11: Great White Shark - Expand Your Services & Land Higher Paying Clients
Level 12: Megalodon Shark - Automate Your Business & Grow Beyond Six Figures
Here's What's Waiting For You In the Shark Alliance:

How to Get the Most Out of Your Membership

Welcome Intro video
Goal Setting Strategies
Profit First Foundation

New Monthly Content

Live strategy/coaching call on the second Wednesday of each month . We also release our "In the Trenches Trainings" and other goodies each and every month.
Giving you a HUGE bang for you buck!

Shark Alliance Exclusive Software Access

Google My Business Gunner (Only available to SA members)
Shark Leads (Only available to SA members)
SSL Sniper
Speed Sniffer
Local Fee Finder
New software added often

Private Members Only Facebook Group

Recordings of our FB live events are posted here.

Setting Up Your Business

Setting Up Your Business (How to)
Custom DFY Local Agency Theme complete with content CLICK HERE TO SEE LIVE DEMO
Local Fee Finder Sales & Marketing Power Pack
Hot to Add a Link to Your Appointment Page in Google
In the trenches training: Building Your Reviews

Website Design & Sales

Strategies for Effective Website Development
Setting Up Development Domain (online)
In the Trenches: Closing $5000K website deal
Website Profit Monster Closes $2500K website deal
Transitioning To SEO SALES From Website Design

Local SEO Training

Local SEO Shark Academy - A complete course on Local SEO
Cardinal Rule When Selling SEO
SEO Strategy Checklist
In The Trenches: Live Sales call $10K a year client (you get recording of actual call)
In-the-Trenches: Live Call – $100/Hr SEO Consulting
Over the Shoulder Press Release Training
Over the Shoulder Citation Building
Crafting Monthly SEO Reports

Proposals and Fee Setting Methods

Pricing Presentation
How to Write Effective Proposals
Mindset On Raising Your Prices
The Successful Local Consultants Guide to Pricing for Maximum Profit
Selling Through Email + Pricing Menu

Effective Prospecting Strategies

Strategies For Landing Your First Client
In the trenches training: Follow Up
Email Prospecting Crash Course
Effective Email Subject Lines
Find your Perfect Prospect
Prequalifying Prospects
Landing your first client
Prospecting – Putting It All Together 
Strategies for Effective Prospect Meetings
Identifying Potential Red-flag Clients
Dealing With Tire Kickers
Recording of Actual Marketing Consultation of Nick with his client
How to Prospecting all Day
Scheduling Calls
Prospecting Tips, Tricks & Tools

Scaling Your Business

Hiring a Web Design Outsourcer
How to Hire a Copywriter For Your Website/SEO Projects
How to Outsource On-Page SEO
In the trenches training: Outsourcing on Page SEO
Building Business Relationships

How to Write Local Ad Copy

How to Write Local Ad Copy Part 1
How to Write Local Ad Copy Part 2
How to Write Local Ad Copy Part 3
How to Write Local Ad Copy Part 4

Messenger Bots

Chatbots 101
Case Study: MMA Event Promotion Strategy - Messenger Bot

Done-For-You Marketing & Sales Materials

DFY Marketing & Sales Materials
Email Templates
Done-for-You Agency Website with Content
Are You Serious About Growing to Six-Figures and Beyond?
2 Pricing Options Make It Easy and Affordable to Join!
You'll be billed $197 every 30 days (Cancel Anytime).
Get 3 Months Free When You Choose this Option
Shark Alliance Delivers Results!
In 1 Year Jason Went From Just a Few Clients to Over $270,000 In Revenue
Or Tom Buford who just hit 6 new clients and $8000 in revenue mark!
Sneak Peek Inside of What You Get
Why Join Shark Alliance?
Joining our Shark Alliance gives you benefits you may not have realized. Take A look at 6 Key Reasons:

Most of the people who join Shark Alliance share similar goals. Most members here are looking to build successful local digital agency and are of a like mind.

If someone has a question about approaching a prospect, offering a service or offline software, there are members who've already dealt with those issues who can offer specific advice.

You can connect with other consultants who know exactly what you're going through. Have you ever tried to explain to a spouse or buddy how you landed a client and what has happened since?

When you join Shark Alliance, you get access to authorities like Tom Gaddis and Nick Ponte, who own the site.

For instance, if you ask a question about how to best prospect a certain kind of business, you're likely to hear from them or other credible consultants.

Usually, when you want expert help, you need to pay for it individually. But membership gives you an opportunity to ask directly and get help.

Let's be honest. When you pay for something, you're more likely to take it seriously. If I read an a great idea in an article, there's less than a 20% chance I'll put the advice into action.  
But, if you're paying for something, I'll bet you try to get as much out of it as possible.

When you have an idea for software tool that would help you, a form that could help close deals or idea for video prospecting, wouldn't you love to get feedback from people you trust?And, from people who actually know the offline local niche?

One of the main reasons most people join Shark Alliance is to get access to local consulting material they can't find anywhere else. For example, there's modules on "Proposals and Fee Setting" Methods, "How To Raise Your Prices", "Email Only Prospecting", "How To Write Sales Copy (for you and your clients) AND there are resources in different formats & videos, articles, worksheets, interviews.

Tom and Nick are hard at work every month bringing you new content...covering the most important skills in Local Agency building. Theres no fluff here, just the latest tested strategies to make you more money.

All of this is unique to our members and ONLY available by membership. Its high-value exclusive training content. Nothing average or basic here!

If you're ready to jump to the next level theres no time to waste. The membership only opens a few times a year. This is your opportunity...we look forward to seeing you inside.
2 Pricing Options Makes It Easy to Join!
You'll be billed $197 every 30 days (Cancel Anytime).
Get 3 Months Free When You Choose this Option
What Some of Our Current Members Say
Special Note: Real Estate Profit Pro is not part of the Alliance. However, we do give free access to any of our new exclusive product launches (non-partner products). We'll also give you special discount links for ANY of our products :)
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this content dispensed out over time or do I get access to everything?
You get immediate access to everything currently in the membership vault. As we add new content you get access to that as well, as long as you're a member.
Is this the training all PDFs or all Videos?
Its a mix of both. Plus you're getting access to our own proprietary Software. ALL of it is unique to the Shark Alliance and not available anywhere else!
Do you teach the 'high pressure' approach to getting clients?
Our approach has never been a high pressure one. Especially in our close knit Hawaiian community that would never work. We use a consultative approach and don't need to pressure or trick anybody. We advise you to do the same.
Why would a business need my help?
Most local businesses have all they can do to run the business everyday and put out fires. They usually know they should market but are clueless to know what works. They hate wasting money and if you establish a relationship, not just a sales pitch, they will let you advise them. They want to feel like you are partner.
Don't businesses usually have their own marketing dept?
In larger businesses they may, but smaller and midsize rarely do. Even if they do, thats doesn't prelude you from being involved. Many will outsource to you specific projects they just cant do...or don't want to do.
Will businesses discuss details of their operation with me?
Yes, happens all the time. When you establish a trust relationship with them they will help you to help them.
Does this take a lot of time?
Many of our students start out part time, some investing as little as 8 hours a week. As you acquire clients and experience, you'll probably expand your commitment. When you are generating as much from your consulting enterprise as from your present job, then you'll be able to take the next step to full-time with confidence.
Will I need a large budget?
No. You can do this with a modest amount. Mostly just your time and effort. And when its appropriate, a little money for an outsourcer (see the outsourcing module) will help you scale faster, but its not necessary.
Won't my clients Be Taking A Chance On me?
Nope. That's because we show you exactly how to find them, approach them, discuss their marketing issues and recommend appropriate solutions. You arrive prepared.

You should never feel inadequate since you will have received the equivalent of a Masters Degree in Local Marketing from the Shark Alliance.
Will I need Employees?
NO (Unless YOU Want Them) In the beginning, until you ramp your business up its not necessary. If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource thats fine. But its not necessary.
This seems inexpensive... Why don't you charge more? 
 It is underpriced. Our Shark Alliance Membership should cost more and shortly will cost more. The volume and quality of our information, training, software and support has grown over the year. We want to maintain the high quality above all else and that's also why we restrict enrollment. 
Can I really learn all this from my computer?
Absolutely, hundreds of members are doing so right now. This entire business is mapped out for your success in a step-by-step fashion. No expensive in-person seminars needed to master this. The only thing you need to do is apply what we teach.
What can I expect to see income-wise in the first 60 days?
That is up to you. If you study the modules, attend our additional webinars and training, and take action you will likely have landed clients in the first 60 days. . your own efforts will determine the outcome though and we cannot guarantee any specific income.
Do you actually close enrollment most of the year?
Yes. If you are seeing this page LIVE, it means we've opened enrollment for a few days. Consider it your "window of opportunity"...don't let it slip away. ENROLL NOW!
2 Extremely Affordable Pricing Options
You'll be billed $197 every 30 days
(Cancel Anytime).
Get 3 Months Free When You Choose this Option

Our 100% Promise to You 

You can see how seriously we take our
responsibility to provide top quality training. Our reputation is based on our commitment to our students.

We even go one step further and choose to give our students the flexibility to discontinue the training at any time.

Just let us know by emailing support, and your billing, and of course your access will stop... it goes without saying, we'll miss you.

In the absence of any notice from you, we will continue to bill you for membership every 30 days.

Also, due to the proprietary nature and volume of the training all instantly available to you, all sales are final and No Refunds will be issued.
-Tom & Nick
Meet The Offline Shark Founders

Tom Gaddis attended the School of Hard Knocks.

A former restaurant manager in Oklahoma, Tom always wanted to be self-employed and free from the butt-smooching of the corporate world. He wanted success bad enough that he picked up his family, including two small children and moved to beautiful Maui, Hawaii.

Starting from zero, Tom embarked on building a local marketing consulting business. And promptly fell on his face! It seems Hawaiians were lovely people, until you tried to sell them something! But he persevered and learned from his mistakes.

Today he's arguably one of the most successful in his niche and expecting to grow over 100% this year alone.

Tom's favorite: 
"Nothing is More expensive than a missed opportunity".

Nick Ponte is a graduate of the University of Adversity (with Honors)!

 Previously, Nick was employed as an automobile mechanic on Maui before he met and teamed up with Tom. Nick naturally wrestled with the change from tradesman to marketer (not an easy transition) but, like Tom, he wouldn't give up.

Through years of commitment, Nick has grown to be a highly skilled web developer and marketing expert with a specialized skill-sets in a variety of fields. He has developed many high-traffic, high-quality websites that incorporate the best practices for
today's digital marketing.

Today, Nick eagerly shares his experience and knowledge by helping others in cultivating their business.

Nicks favorite:   
"If You want to be successful, you must respect one rule:
Never Lie To Yourself"
Earnings Disclaimer
We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you improve your business skills and encourage you to take action so you can build your business. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don't enroll in our programs if you believe in the "money for nothing get rich quick" ideology; we only want serious people who want to work hard to build their business. As stipulated by law, in promoting this and all our programs we use illustrative numbers only and we cannot and do not make results guarantees or give professional or legal advice. That's why it's important that you read all of our terms and earnings disclaimers via the link below as you are not guaranteed to get results or earn an income. It's all the regular legal disclaimers but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. That's why we also put our disclaimers on all our checkout pages. Thanks for stopping by.